Date to be confirmed
Please register your interest
It is our great pleasure to deliver a webinar with Professor P N Haray including an interactive expert panel with contributions from various grades of surgical, clinical and nursing staff, which will hopefully simplify the complexities of genetic familial colorectal cancer syndromes.
Our ability to understand inherited bowel cancers is dramatically improving because of the ground-breaking work of people like Dr Murray and her Team at The All Wales Medical Genetics Service.
We are delighted to announce that a patient perspectives will also be included.
The Webinar will include:
- Introduction with Professor P N Haray
- Expert Panel – Interactive Discussion with Q&A:
- Dr Alexandra Murray – Consultant Geneticist
- Dr Seema Arif – Consultant Oncologist
- Dr Nadine Burke – Consultant Histopathologist
- Patient perspective on inherited bowel cancer
This programme is brought to you in collaboration with our medical media specialists Digimed who will be producing and delivering the webinar.
Delegates will be provided with the webinar link closer to the broadcast date and will also receive a certificate upon completion of the course feedback form.
There is great Interest in this webinar so early registration is recommended to avoid disappointment.
Integrated Colorectal Education Contact:

Professor P N Haray Contact:
Integrated Colorectal Education Contact:
Research and Academic Department
Prince Charles Hospital
Modular Building 2
Merthyr Tydfil
CF47 9DT
Tel. 01685 724422
Professor P N Haray Contact:
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